Full levitation of LK-99 will be achieved during August 2023
resolved Sep 1

We want full floating LK-99, not this dangling, twisting weirdness! lol Will it happen?! This question will resolve to YES if there is a video from a reputable source that shows a confirmed piece of LK-99 fully levitating over a magnetic source.

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If there’s a float video from a reputable source a few months down the line that verifies a less reputable float video in August 2023, this’ll still have already resolved NO right?

predicted NO

@KTGeorge Correct

bought Ṁ0 of YES

@chrisjbillington You know that graphite shows full levitation as needed for this question, right? LK-99 does not even have to be as diamagnetic as graphite for this to resolve as YES. (And there is this August time constraint, which is a bit annoying)

predicted YES

@LeonBohnmann And yeah someone has to make a video of it

bought Ṁ100 of NO

@LeonBohnmann Yep, am aware. LK-99 was measured in a preprint today to be about half as diamagnetic as pyrolytic graphite. Good luck to anyone trying to make a sample of LK-99 that can full levitate diamagnetically on a quadrupole when it's half as diamagnetic, 20 times heavier, and also ferromagnetic, in the next 3 weeks (or at all).

predicted NO

Regarding some of the latest LK-99 flux pinning videos and related skepticism


bought Ṁ5 of YES

@JonathanBoswell We agree that in his point #1 he acknowledges that LK-99 most likely does float, just probably not because of superconductivity, right? It’s only that the rotating poop channel is not a reputable source.

bought Ṁ80 of NO

This bet can also be seen as a hedge against the video that was just released as fake.

If the current flux pinning is confirmed, is it a win?