Will my friends get into Berghain?
resolved Jan 14

Three of my friends have never been to Berghain. They have pretty great outfits. One of them is an English speaker. Will they get in? This market resolves YES if at least one of them gets in.

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I had never heard of Berghain before yours and Soli's markets /Soli/will-i-make-into-berghain-atleast-1

bought Ṁ15 of YES

1/3 got rejected

predicted YES

@TilmanRa And the others got in? Or no?

bought Ṁ3 of YES

How long is the queue?

bought Ṁ3 of YES

@SimonGrimm there's no queue right now

predicted NO

@SimonGrimm it's a time of the day when you have especially good chances

predicted YES

@JonasVollmer What’s the women/men share?

bought Ṁ30 of NO

@SimonGrimm 1 woman, two guys. Though at Berghain it doesn't really matter