My personal goal is to bike to work 2+ times per week, but it’s winter here. This shakes out to 8 miles per week minimum to meet my goal. Travel to any location counts, but work is the most likely destination.
E-biking counts.
I commit to not buying any NO at any level on this market. I reserve the right to buy YES, and will do so in order to motivate myself. I will not sell YES.
The intent is to motivate me to bike more, loosely inspired by @firstuserhere‘s 100k steps market.
Useful context:
Work is about two miles away.
Class is about nine miles away.
The grocery store is about two miles away.
I will document my mileage based on mapping software, erring on the side of fewer miles biked. If I fail to document the miles, they don’t count and may cause this to resolve NO even if I actually biked the miles. I will round down on the total number of miles biked. 11.9 counts as 8+, for example.
Finally, answers are inclusive! If I bike 12 miles per week, I’ll resolve 4+ and 8+ to YES as well!
I will attempt to update at least once per month. More often if I remember to!
I will offer up to 50 mana if anyone finds a problem with the market or requests a good clarification.