Do girls even exist anymore that aren’t bisexual
resolved Jan 5

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OK, mod resolution time... ask stupid leading questions, you get what you get in response.

Comment reply poll! I'm looking for:

  • a girl (self-identified, of course)

  • who isn't bisexual (also self-identified, of course)

  • with an account created before market close (to slightly reduce shenanigans)

to reply saying that yes, they exist.

I'll resolve Yes if I get a response, No if nothing within a week. @traders if this is you and/or you know someone and feel like chiming in, go for it!

@EvanDaniel my mother is not bisexual

@cc6 Does she have an account? "Has an account" was my minor concession to "even exist" as a colloquial / slang phrase that doesn't actually mean "is there literally one such anywhere on Earth".

Wait can't we just use a profile to resolve?

@cc6 Ask dumb questions, get dumb mod resolutions!

Yes, you absolutely can -- but they need to come reply here! (At least under this proposed resolution mechanism, which will likely turn out not to be final if people complain about it.)

(If you're messaging someone you don't know for this purpose, please be kinda and considerate about it, they might not want to be involved in dumb mod resolutions of weird sexist questions.)

predicted YES

@EvanDaniel I’m a girl and I identify as pansexual, does that qualify?

@Nadja_L I'm assuming you don't consider that a synonym for bisexual? If so then yes!

@EvanDaniel Pretty sure they have to say they are not bisexual.

@Eliza Hmmm, I'm not sure if that's the letter of the dumb made up rule or not.

who isn't bisexual (also self-identified, of course)

I expected I'd be counting "is [something else]"; like if someone showed up and said "I'm straight" I think that would have been fine and I'm guessing you wouldn't have asked.

saying that yes, they exist

She definitely said she exists, which is all the rule required... Well, does "is a girl" imply exists? Or at least replying to a Manifold comment? IDK, seems close enough.

@EvanDaniel I'm definitely not an expert, but I think it's possible that one could be bisexual and pansexual.

@Eliza Sure, I know people who use both. I'm reading a bit into context and trying not to be too demanding about interrogating the kind passers-by on the Internet.

predicted NO

@EvanDaniel I was expecting this question to be resolved by the question maker's subjective mood and had priced that into my bet. I don't think @JoanAlavedra would have been satisfied with your resolution criteria, especially with resolving 'YES' based on someone being pansexual. The question reads more like a frustrated complaint than a genuine factual question that is interested in the nuances between bisexuality, pansexuality, and other non-monoamoric (or even non-hetero?) sexual preferences. I would argue for resolving N/A due to ambiguity.

What are the resolution criteria for this market? I know non-bisexual women, but I am loath to bet if this is going to be resolved based on personal opinion, polling, or something like that.

bought Ṁ100 of NO

Everyone has the right to their opinion on sexuality. But even if a woman wouldn't sleep with another woman sexually. I have never partied with a "straight" freind or chick without them trying to make out with myself or other girls. I see this almost every time I go out. Not to say some women wouldn't. And alcohol isn't the only thing. Almost every one of my friends have come to me(I'm pansexual) after their breakups to have sleepovers and cuddle and intimate in ways not nessicarily sexual. But more intimate than friends. It intrigues me though. Maybe there are actually straight people people out there.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

I know at least 1(one) straight women.


how will this resolve??

predicted YES

@Stralor The real trick is betting on beliefs rather than reality.

bought Ṁ20 NO from 79% to 76%

@KabirKumar I mean I know YES is true, but I have no idea how OP will resolve or what would convince them in either direction 🤷 🤷

bought Ṁ8 of YES

I know a few lesbians and a few straight women. Was tempted to buy NO for the meme though. "All girls these days know is be bisexual, charge they phone, eat hot chip and lie."

bought Ṁ15 of NO

If it isn't a thing now it will be soon.

I don't know a woman who WASN'T sexually assaulted at some point and over 75% were straight up raped at some point by a man.

Not sure how you can read stats like this and still like men lol

I know a few lesbians but I don't know any straight women anymore

bought Ṁ10 of YES

I know one