Will I be able to access Manifold API from Haskell by end of 2023?
resolved Jan 12

It has to support at least 75% of the API endpoints.

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📢Resolved to N/A per CG (resolution criteria is personal).

Can you resolve, please?

@Jenny Should this resolve? I think the link from @VivaLaPanda below is the best answer there is...

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@VivaLaPanda What is the status of this, can it support the 75% criteria?

predicted YES

I need to neg on how difficult this is for a while until it builds up enough liquidity that it is worth doing just for the payoff.

predicted YES

@Adam I think the intent is to have something a bit less manual and more directly suited to task.

@EdwardKmett yeah I'm just smugposting about the literal question here :P

bought Ṁ100 of YES

Writing API clients with GPT Codex is super easy. If nobody does this by close to the deadline, I'll do it

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