If you 🎵Don’t dream it, Be it🎵, will it come true?
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That is simple ask in phrasing. However in the world we have inherited of yesterday, Do you true believe human kind has everything at our finger tips to unfold future possibilities, right infront of our eyes. The actions are what put the dreams into motion. Even a simple choice in words bring powerful manifestations of a course to your life story before you even realized it?


Do you believe that you are just a battery 🪫 feeding the world your energy to be harvested so to optimize your daily grind into productive energy output to the world is you function and and connect to spirituality and soul are just voodo that seperates you from closing closer exponentially on the present moment where you are drained of everything you can provide to this world to be left bleed out of all your energy on your apartment floor await to accept ‘here and now would be fine.’

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