What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?
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This is something I've gotten over (it's almost funny now, if only because I've been in a long-term, stable relationship for ten years now,) but it was really embarrassing at the time:

During seventh grade, one of my friends decided it would be a good idea to tell my main bully about my crush on this girl. Said bully responded by catching up to her as she was leaving a class we were both in, and loudly announcing my crush on her. She looked me dead in the eye with a disgusted expression and said "ew" loud enough for most of the class to hear. I was in tears for a couple hours.


One time I signed up for a website where you use pretend money to be a degenerate gambler, but where you make yourself feel better about it by calling it "prediction."


I watched a dubbed version of a movie once


I was talking to a cute girl and misheard her “Rastafarian” as “Pastafarian”.

I did not get her number.