Will there be a musical at the Proof Math Festival?
resolved Apr 29

All Proofniks are helping with the Spring Math Festival this year, working in groups to make an activity to run. "Math: The Musical" was given as an example of something that couldn't be done. But an enterprising group of students is attempting it anyway.

Obstacles include:

  1. This project must be approved by the very teacher who made a joke about how it was a bad idea.

  2. Writing a musical is hard, especially with such short notice.

  3. Finding people to perform it shouldn't be that hard, but is still a problem.

  4. Writing good songs is very hard.

This market resolves yes if ALL of the following conditions are met:

  1. A musical is performed at the Spring Math Festival (while the festival is ongoing, with guests unaffiliated with the school present at the festival at the time it is performed).

  2. The musical has at least two (original) songs, and is at least 8 minutes long.

    1. A song being original means that it was written by someone affiliated with this project, or at least that it was never published elsewhere, but does not mean that it must have been written for this project. E.g. if a member of the project had written a song prior to this project, then it could hypothetically be usable.

  3. There is a discernible plot, and the songs relate to the plot in a clear and obvious way.

  4. There is staging and blocking that was not improvised while performing.

More criteria may be added, but all along the same vein.

Disclaimer: common-sense spirit of the market may overrule written technicalities, although only rarely.

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We made a musical, however it was 30 seconds short of the resolution criteria (which was, at the end, what we wanted as our hard cap was 10 minutes and our teachers wanted it to be shorter).