In 2024, Hayao Miyazaki will announce his retirement and then also announce his next film project?

Tracking predictions from the podcast Oh No, Ross and Carrie! episode 399. Transcript available at

Ross Blocher: Oh yeah, old celebrities. Hmm, I should be thinking about that. Okay, well I’m going to start with one that I mentioned last time, and that is that 83-year-old Hayao Miyazaki will announce his retirement and then also announce his next film project.

Carrie Poppy: (Chuckles.) Cute. Have you seen The Boy in the Herring yet? I haven’t seen it.

Ross Blocher: I haven’t! But I’m looking forward to it.

Carrie Poppy: Yeah, me neither. Okay.

I will resolve according to their evaluation in 2025 ("No" for a zero on their scale, "N/A" for one, and "Yes" for two)

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