Will Donald Trump overcome a muted microphone at the first debate?
resolved Jun 28

The first presidential debate, currently scheduled for June 27, will mute the candidates' microphones unless they are answering a question:


This question will resolve YES if Donald Trump manages to communicate an explicit message even though his microphone is muted. He must intend to communicate a specific message (even if that message is inarticulate) and the viewing audience, not just the moderators, must be able to perceive it.

Some examples of things that would qualify:

  • Shouting loudly enough for the viewers to hear him

  • Holding up a legible sign, cartoon, or doodle that communicates an idea

  • Holding up two fingers to indicate the number two

  • Continuing to speak after his time has elapsed and the moderators have muted him (edit: bearing in mind, as stated above, that he must be audible to the viewers; this is broken out separately to distinguish it from the last bullet point below, in which he goes over time but is not muted)

Some examples of things that would not qualify:

  • Shouting inarticulate noises, even if loudly enough to be heard

  • Holding up a scribble that is impossible to objectively decipher

  • Holding up one finger (you know which one) to indicate frustration or disgust

  • Going over time, as long as the moderators don't mute him (note that this includes him briefly finishing a thought or sentence he began before he was muted, even if the continuation is audible despite being muted)

  • EDIT: Shaking or nodding his head to indicate generalized disagreement or agreement with what someone else is saying

I will not bet in this market, and will do my best to resolve it objectively and fairly.

EDIT: In response to a very good question, common body language will probably NOT satisfy this question. For example, if Trump shakes his head to indicate disagreement with a question before (or instead of) answering it out loud. The spirit of the question requires that he be overcoming the muting of the microphones in some way; head-shaking, frowning, wincing, and similar gestures are not enough.

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@traders Sounds like the resolution should be NO. Any disagreement?

bought Ṁ1,000 NO

Shockingly well-disciplined.

@traders Heads up that I'm traveling overseas and won't be able to watch the debate live. The market will close as scheduled, and I'll resolve asap. If the outcome is ambiguous, I'll welcome your thoughts on the best resolution.

We appreciate the heads up!

I hope he holds up large signs like Wil E Coyote.

"That's all folks!"

Shaking head?

Excellent question. Too general. Would not qualify.

bought Ṁ50 NO from 68% to 65%

Excellent question. Too general. Would not qualify.

EDIT: added further clarification to the description. So for example, if the moderator asks Biden if his policies have been more successful than Trump's, and Trump shakes his head, I'd say that does not qualify. It's relatively close--he's communicating a message despite the mic being muted--but traditional body language stuff is not enough. He needs to be actively overcoming the mute rules.

bought Ṁ50 NO from 67% to 64%