This market resolves to the largest single shareholder's side.
resolved May 15

In the event that the largest shareholders of both sides are somehow tied, then the next largest shareholders of each side are compared, and so on.

Example of resolution: There are 3 users in the market. "User A" has 300 YES shares. "User B" has 250 NO shares. "User C" has 150 NO shares. Market resolves to YES as "User A" is the largest single shareholder.

I will start off the market with a 100 mana purchase of YES shares. However, I will not make any subsequent purchases in this market.

Beginning on Jan 5th, the market has a 20% chance of resolving each day. If the first random number in AVKG, accessed at , is between 1-10, the market resolves as soon as I see it.

I reserve the right to add or remove rules to counter any unexpected exploits. However I will try my best to avoid any changes.

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Unlisting this as we look to de-emphasize self-referential markets. This won't affect the resolution. It does mean it will no longer show up in people's feed and new traders won't give bonuses.

@DavidChee oh nvm looks like it's been closed for ages lmao, I assume since Jan 5th it hasn't rolled the 80% every single time LOL

@DavidChee okay admin resolved yes

predicted YES

@Hei Yes is the largest single shareholders side when will you resolve this market?

@thebest33 Was it also the largest on Jan 8th?

@IsaacKing No, the largest bet was placed on February 1.

@thebest33 @A holds 42 NO, which is larger than any other bettor that entered the market before Jan 8. (@acc held a small amount of YES then.) This market therefore should have resolved NO on Jan 8.

predicted YES

Looks like this should have resolve Jan 8?