Will the S&P 500 close higher on August 4 than it closed on August 3?
resolved Aug 4

Closes 2pm EDT. NYSE closes 4pm EDT.

Resolves according to the display at https://www.google.com/finance/quote/.INX:INDEXSP at the end of the day.

This market is part of the S&P Forecasting tournament for the month of August (Inspired by Goode). At the end of the month top traders are eligible for a prize.

1      1500
2      1000
3      750

Good luck forecasting!

Note: Keeping this market as similar to how Alex has been running it. Not trying to change what people are enjoying trading on.

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predicted NO
predicted NO
predicted NO

@SirCryptomind You made out like a bandit!!! look at dem profits!

predicted YES

Well, this is not great lol

predicted NO

@Abraxas Thank you for your contributions. ❤

predicted NO

Man, didnt catch the market before close :")

Yall are wild.... at 77% while only 0.30 in the green

How do people bet on this? I looked at the tracker and tried to see a trend. But I know that's total bullshit and that I'm just betting on random Brownian motion 🤣

predicted NO

@uair01 If you expect the outcome will randomly go either way, and others have pushed the odds away from 50%, then you can profit from betting against them.

predicted YES

@TeddyWeverka I'm learning a lot from this playground 🤣

@uair01 For the S&P , I use the VIX to compare moving averages and expectations.

Take this chart for example:

predicted NO

@uair01 I am still learning too.

predicted NO

@TeddyWeverka On Google you can compare S&P to the VIX

Today looks like this so far, much like my example above just not as exaggerated :

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