Will bitcoin reach $69420 before the end of march?
resolved Mar 8

resolves yes if at any point in time before the end of march the bitcoin price reaches $69420 in https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitcoin/

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bitcoin reached new ATH passing 69420

@Gugra that looks like a totally not manipulated market 🤣

bought Ṁ3,250 YES

Currently trading above 69420

I was very much amused by your bets against me as a reaction to my previous comment. Thanks!

I'll post this here, so you can mock me even better when I've lost my NO bet 😭



As a Russian who's access to banking was somewhat restricted due to sanctions, I find cryptocurrencies very useful. Can't imagine what it's like for people who never had any access to banking, like people in African countries.

I agree that most cryptocurrencies are scams and trading is a casino, but I like stablecoins for transfers and Bitcoin for savings.

@roma That's a good use case. I wish you the best.

@uair01 That article you posted is errr, technically incorrect (e.g. Luna / Anchor funding) and more of a weird morality rant than a useful analysis. The space has enormous and obvious flaws (no defense there) but there has never been a "Madness of Crowds" event that lasted ~15 years. Typical duration was a matter of months.

Scams abound, but I've found Bitcoin super useful (and my friends in Argentina are enormous fans)

bought Ṁ10 NO

I'm betting NO out of pure spite. Bitcoin should crash and burn.

But I fully expect to lose.

3 traders bought Ṁ235 YES