What percent of Twitter accounts will be unbanned?
resolved Nov 4

Within three months of close.

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There is no clear path to resolve this and the creator is gone. I don't want to apply anything creative here, we can take our mana and play somewhere else.

@SirSalty I was thinking something like:

"Resolving this NA because there's no indication of where to get the statistics, a quick search doesn't show up credible sources, and Gigacasting has been gone for a while. Which means it can't really resolve now, and is unlikely to resolve in the future."

But you should probably be the one to decide a policy on situations like these.

@Gigacasting please resolve. Or if anyone can find the data and give it to me I'll admin resolve this.

bought Ṁ0 of YES

It's wayyy lower than that. Do you realize how many accounts have been banned on Twitter?

predicted YES

twitter is healing

bought Ṁ45 of YES

Tweets no longer show up ⭐️

bought Ṁ100 of NO

How will this be resolved? Does Twitter post statistics on banned users?

How many have been banned? Does Twitter keep a blacklist?

bought Ṁ2 of YES
Flock of Beautiful blue birds being released

What percent of Twitter accounts will be unbanned?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition