What percentage of Democratic primary delegates will Joe Biden win?
resolved Jul 24

Resolves to numerical answer in every case.


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@mods gigacasting market, i believe markets are resolving assuming biden will not be seeking reelection, so this is 0%

hm - the comment below says it will resolve to a numeric answer for the successor to the Democratic Party if he doesn't run

So that's not quite how I interpreted it:

Resolves to numerical answer in any case that a successor to the Democratic Party and/or United States holds any semblance of “primaries”; regardless of whether Biden is alive or runs, etc.

As in, it resolves (to a numerical, i.e. not N/A answer) even if (1) these primaries are being held by a successor (party) to the Democratic Party and/or successor country to the United States , (2) even if that successor is just holding something that's a semblance of "primaries", and (3) it still resolves to a numerical answer whether Biden is alive or runs or etc. TL;DR being "it will definitely resolve to a numerical answer", but crucially "successor" is not referring to Biden (but the democratic party and/or united states, i.e. a successor political party and/or country).

The comment was posted after someone asked:

Does this resolve to 0 or N/A if he is not nominated?

So I imagine it's a longwinded way of saying "it will resolve to an actual answer (not to N/A)" no matter what.

TL;DR: I feel silly pretending like anything Gigacasting says is crystal clear (lmao), but from that sentence, I'm pretty confident that "successor to the democratic party and/or united states" is not referring to the person who succeeds biden (kamala), but rather the future political party and/or country that is successor to the democratic party and/or united states (respectively).

talked with mods and I'm NAing this because it's old, small, and under defined.

makes sense!

Resolves to numerical answer in any case that a successor to the Democratic Party and/or United States holds any semblance of “primaries”; regardless of whether Biden is alive or runs, etc.

predicted YES

Does this resolve to 0 or N/A if he is not nominated?