Will Destiny's YouTube take a 5 day ban, or have a negative swing of 2k subs in 2023?
resolved Jan 1

Alternative title: Will Destiny be banned on YouTube for 5 days or have a negative swing of 2k subscribers or more at any point in 2023?

Destiny is a controversial figure, who we already know has at least 1 hitpiece being formed around him. He also has an ongoing legal dispute with Keffals who has attacked him previously and targeted him with reports.

Destiny sub count has to go -2,000 at least on the day-to-day tracking, or he needs to be banned for >4 consecutive days.

Officially, I will reference socialblade for sub counts (https://socialblade.com/youtube/user/destiny)

To resolve "Yes"

We would need to see at least -1k, -1k, on two different consecutive days


-2k or greater on one day


Destiny is banned for 5 consecutive days on any channel (meaning you cannot see his videos, and he cannot stream)

Jan 25, 12:46pm: Will Destiny's YouTube take an L because of drama in 2023? → Will Destiny's YouTube take a 5 day ban, or have a negative swing of 2k subs in 2023?

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bought Ṁ5 of YES
predicted NO

@dgga I haven't been following any content lately. Does this mean I've missed something good?

predicted NO

@Gen Just people trying to cancel destiny again with out of context clips. But nothing has come out of it yet.

bought Ṁ10 NO at 24%
predicted YES

@Gen Yeah it's just Twitter tankies clipchimping to farm outrage but it's a grey-area optics-wise. There's definitely a possibility of repercussions that I predict at around 25%

Liquidity added, plus I have buys at 60 and 40 because personally I think this could go either way