Will David Grusch testify at the HOC UAP Hearing between July 20 and July 31?
resolved Jul 26

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), commonly known as UFOs, have been a topic of intense debate and speculation. The upcoming House of Commons (HOC) UAP Hearing aims to shed light on these phenomena. A rumor has circulated that David Grusch may testify publicly at this hearing, which is estimated to take place between July 20 and July 31.

This prediction market revolves around the rumor and whether or not David Grusch will indeed testify at the HOC UAP Hearing within this specified time frame. The outcome of this market could have significant implications. If Grusch testifies, it could potentially bring new insights and information to the public discourse on UAPs.

Source: tweet

Resolution Criteria: This market will resolve to 'Yes' if a reputable news source confirms that David Grusch has testified at the HOC UAP Hearing within the specified time frame of July 20 to July 31. It will resolve to 'No' if no such confirmation is available by the market close date, indicating that the rumor was not true.

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predicted YES

Is what echoed in my head after this hearing. That and the common description given of UFOs.

bought Ṁ300 of YES

He's currently testifying