Will @KongoLandwalker learn to do one arm muscle up by 30th of August 2024?
resolved Jul 26

Kongo asked me to create this market because of a negative balance.

Resolves YES if Kongo does it and posts a video in the comments.

Any questions for Kongo, tag them in the comments. Kongo, if you want me to update the description, let me know.

(A one arm muscle up looks like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZK2IyGJKrgs (this guy is not Kongo). It's a really, really hard exercise!)

Resolves according to Fion's timezone, unless Kongo requests otherwise.

I will bet in this market, and I assume Kongo will as well. (It's an incentive market after all.)

All trader bonuses will be managrammed to Kongo, assuming I remember and manage to keep track.

to start trading!

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@Fion Resolve early please. I am too afraid for my joints, don't want to accelerate training.

The task will not be forgotten, but I will hunt for it not this summer.

bought Ṁ1,012 NO

Sorry to hear that, but I'm glad you're not going to wreck your joints trying! Good luck with the long term goal. :)

I forgot about this and was not pacticing for around 3 weeks

I will train this week with a new grab method and conclude at the end, whether i have lost the momentum or there is a chance. If i am pessimistic, i will ask to resolve a month early.

I have completed my exams, so i have 2 months of mental calmness to continue this challenge

Good luck!

Dynamic feels too risky. Medium speed needs a lot of balance. Slow approach I have never seen being performed.

I have exams in May-June (during which I do not want to spend time), and I will have 2 months after that.

Not very relevant, but I learned to do a human flag with bent knees.

I almost managed to push up from "elbow-up" position on the right hand.

Feel a bit better about dynamic jerk up, finges do not fail anymore from the high acceleration, but the height is still not enough to start rotating shoulder from hanging orientation towards elbowup.

Back in. Feeling optimistic about the secong part of the exercise, where you push from the position when your elbow points up. I feel that with each day I push a bit further. But not yet optimistic about reaching that position.

Dislocated my shoulder. Not during the training, during voleyball.

Since childhood it is an ordinary thing for me, almost all bones can fall out of their place. I am used to it and adapted, will be able to continue in couple days.

@KongoLandwalker ouch! Hope you have a quick recovery

Feel confident. I might be around 5%, but that progress from 2% is so noticable.


During the last training realised how painful it is to lean on ribs. It is either ribs (and i feel how they bent under my weight), or pectoral muscle (and it is difficult to use it further after it is compressed). I think that is why people often use the armpit as a hook - it is also painful, but at least not the working side.

Managed today to do a onearm pullup on my right hand with additional weight of 3.3kg in my left hand.

Still not explosive.

Came up with couple exercises to gradually increase stability of elbows.

I have to go to the weights-gym weekly to get credits for physical education. But gaining muscles is counterproductive for my aim, any new gram of muscles makes ascending harder and mobility worse.

Bad weather season started and then I had a cold. Was not practicing.

Session 8 was just hanging on fingers.

Session 9 today was bouldering. For the first time in my life i've completed 7A!!!

Session 7 done.

I just want to keep track of total sessions. Each of them is less than 5 minutes, so I will have an upper bound of the total time I have spent of this challenge.

Session 6. No discomfort like after previous sessions.

Decided to no copy the approaches from youtube and do what feels most suitable for my body: do the forward swing with full body, and when falling back use the momentum to go around the bar on half-bent arm. I do not want to be in a position where they get a fully bent elbow pointing up. It feels like a locking position, difficult to move further, so i will try to avoid this intermidiate position

Day 3, session 5 done.

Was trying to raise up with almost a straight hand by using core, inertia and big arc. Meels more promising than pullup and throw elbow up.

Didn't have any discomfort in the morning.

Session 4 done.

But i have the discomfortin biceps again. Will switch to once per 2 days until i can finish a session with no discomfort.

Session 3.

Did only evening session today, was sleeping in the morning.

Biceps and finger benders are tired.

Session 2 done.

Due to the morning routine managed to perform a one arm pullup in the evening. Catched up in 10 hours, haha.

Session 1.

I have not been training for the whole semester. I lost the ability to onehand pullup, but i feel that i will catch back in a week or two.

Current weeknesses:

Fingers fail from such a sharp acceleration when i pull (when tried the second video's approach, link below).

In training the upper part (when elbow is already above) i can push for a centimeter, but my bodyplane is orthogonal to the bar. I've watched some videos of how people keep the plane straight: it is usually some cheat. They hook with another armpit. Some use weight in their free hand to help bend over the bar. I will try to avoid both of those cheats: "onearm" for me means that the free arm does not touch anything.

People in the internet seem to not care about those when commenting their videos, but

I picked couple videos which in my opinion are fair (in Magnus video in the market description he seems to have lost balance and used his leg to stop rotation).



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