Will I successfully install my sink today?
resolved Feb 11

I have a new bathroom sink and cabinet. For reasons I can't quite remember, I have decided to install it myself rather than calling a plumber. I've never installed a sink, nor done any other plumbing. But the internet has infinite information, and I'm quite clever, and I've got the whole day blocked out, so I reckon I can get it done.

Resolves YES if, by the time I go to bed tonight, I have a working sink installed, with no outstanding jobs to do. (So for example, if it's in place and the water is running and draining correctly, but I haven't sealed it, market resolves NO.)

I will bet YES in this market, and I might sell (or use NO limit orders to sell), but I won't take a NO position.

I will aim to post updates in the comments as I go. I will not post any proof, so don't bet unless you're happy to take my word for it.

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sold Ṁ25 YES

Connecting up the waste turned out to be the hard part. I struggled a lot to figure out which bits would connect to which other bits. And getting from one fixed point (the bottom of the sink) to another fixed point (the waste pipe in the wall) is really hard! I think I have a solution now, but it requires a part that I don't have and the shops closed before I could pick it up.

Currently the sink is "working" and has a bucket sitting under the drain. It's not siliconed to the wall, but I'll do that after I'm finished connecting the waste;.

Disappointed I didn't manage to get it done, but tomorrow's another day.

Fion Sunk

The in-pipes are all connected. I still need to buy a trap, connect up the waste, fix it to the wall, and turn the water back on. And then hope that nothing has gone wrong...

The flexible pipes that came with the new tap don't fit with the pipes coming out of my wall. I'm going to try using the flexible pipes from the old tap...

The old sink is off! I've installed the tap and waste plug thingy into the new basin without a hitch. Getting close to the hard bit now...

bought Ṁ20 NO

The sink will best Fion mark my words folks

bought Ṁ20 YES from 56% to 65%

Well, we can tick off "removes the trap and pours the water into the newly disconnected sink such that the water from the trap goes all over the bathroom floor" on our bingo cards. 🤦

Hmm, not sure how to turn off the water to the hot tap...

@Fion Hmm, I've done something that's reduced it to a dribble, but it's remaining a dribble for some time...

bought Ṁ20 YES

@Fion It's still dribbling from the kitchen but seems to have eased up in the bathroom, so I'm just leaving the kitchen tap dribbling and getting on with the work. (I deliberately didn't heat the hot water yesterday so I'm not wasting much.)

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