Will I lose mana in the linked market?
resolved May 9

Resolves based on the status of the linked market at close, by going to "positions" tab and sorting by profit. If my position is lower than -0M, that counts as a loss and this market resolves YES. (If I'm in the red but it's -0M, this market resolves NO.)

I promise not to deliberately lose mana in the linked market, and I won't take a YES position in this market so I won't have any incentive to do so.

This market is intended as a bet regarding whether betting NO in markets like the linked one is "throwing away mana".

Edit: to clarify, I mean when the linked market resolves. (That was probably obvious, but I don't want there to be any confusion about the words "close" and "resolve".) It's the actual mana I win or lose, not the hypothetical "here's what your position is worth" measure.

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@Fion took a risk at the end: went to sleep with a NO position that was not fully cancelled out. I'd have made 390M otherwise. (Basically gambling that the people holding NO when I went to sleep would be paying more attention than the people holding YES, which didn't end up happening.)

But it wasn't enough to take away my profits from market making. :)