Will any of the top-48 longest streak holders lose their streak before October 2023?
resolved Aug 5

I recently learned how to find users' streaks from the API (thanks to Chris Billington) and was surprised to find myself at No. 50. Since then (two days ago) I've moved up to 49 because somebody above me lost their streak. Will this happen again before October?

I'll resolve a couple of days late. Partly because I can't quite get my head around time zones and partly because if you resolved immediately you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between somebody who's just not refreshed their streak yet and somebody who was in the process of losing it.

Bots are excluded.

I may bet in this market.

Edit: Turns out "streak forgiveness" is a thing: an automatic feature where if you miss a day, rather than your streak resetting, your "streak forgiveness" goes down by one, with your streak only resetting if your "streak forgiveness" reaches zero. You get one "streak forgiveness" each month. I think the best thing for me to do is to run the API code a couple of times on the 30th September and 1st October, and maybe once on 2nd October. Hopefully the list of streaks will be the same in all runs (up to a day or two), but if not, and if somebody has dropped out of the top 48 over the course of those few runs, I'll try and work out when they actually lost their streak. If I can't determine for sure whether they dropped before the end of 30th September (my timezone, UK), I may resolve PROB. If I do this, I'll explain my evidence, my reasoning, and the percentage I intend to resolve to, and give a chance for people to point out any mistakes I may have made.

(A previous version of the description had something about "if Manifold introduce streak freezes or similar". I've taken it out now that I know about "streak forgiveness", but some comments might seem weird out of context now. I think you can view the edit history of the description.)

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bought Ṁ1,000 of YES

Pretty sure this resolves YES. Samin appears to have lost their streak.

  1. 355 jack

  2. 352 SG

  3. 352 MartinRandall

  4. 351 FranklinBaldo

  5. 350 Chocobo

  6. 349 Predictor

  7. 348 egroj

  8. 346 SneakySly

  9. 333 ScottLawrence

  10. 332 NcyRocks

  11. 326 BoltonBailey

  12. 320 citrinitas

  13. 317 Conflux

  14. 292 JoshuaB

  15. 292 BTE

  16. 288 Ivan

  17. 280 zzq

  18. 274 Zardoru

  19. 271 NicoDelon

  20. 270 A

  21. 268 DavidMathers

  22. 267 omnishambles

  23. 267 RSWats

  24. 264 Agh

  25. 263 UFTG

  26. 263 Gabrielle

  27. 262 MarcusAbramovitch

  28. 261 na_pewno

  29. 260 XComhghall

  30. 259 wadimiusz

  31. 259 NexVeridian

  32. 258 xCrimson

  33. 258 harfe

  34. 258 OrbiterVoltron

  35. 256 Rocks

  36. 255 lisamarsh

  37. 253 GoodGrief

  38. 251 Tripping

  39. 250 YourHero

  40. 249 nickten

  41. 249 PunishedFurry

  42. 248 MattReardon

  43. 248 JeffreyHeninger

  44. 248 Duncn

  45. 245 AndrewG

  46. 242 kenakofer

  47. 234 RJPerez

  48. 231 Fion

  49. 230 NathanNguyen

  50. 230 Lovre

  51. 230 Dustin

  52. 229 kottsiek

Any objections?

bought Ṁ1,000 of YES

@Fion Don't really know why I asked for objections. I don't think there's any reason to delay resolution. In the unlikely event something has gone horribly wrong we can get it re-resolved.

bought Ṁ0 of YES

Revelations about streak forgiveness should probably decrease the probability a bit.

predicted YES

@Fion you agree with excluding bots? Does this market depend on you keeping your streak (i.e. staying at 49 or higher in the ranking)?

bought Ṁ0 of YES

@ianminds Yes, bots are excluded - I'll edit the description to make that explicit. This market's resolution doesn't depend on me keeping my streak.

(Although I do have a market for that:


bought Ṁ0 of YES

Following uncertainty about whether streak saves do in fact exist, I've created a market for it:

predicted YES

Here's the current top 49 streaks, this is excluding bots:

1: 346 jack

2: 343 SG

3: 343 MartinRandall

4: 342 egroj

5: 342 FranklinBaldo

6: 342 Chocobo

7: 340 Predictor

8: 338 SneakySly

9: 324 ScottLawrence

10: 324 NcyRocks

11: 318 BoltonBailey

12: 311 citrinitas

13: 308 Conflux

14: 282 JoshuaB

15: 282 BTE

16: 280 Ivan

17: 271 zzq

18: 264 Zardoru

19: 262 NicoDelon

20: 261 A

21: 258 omnishambles

22: 258 RSWats

23: 258 DavidMathers

24: 256 Gabrielle

25: 255 UFTG

26: 254 MarcusAbramovitch

27: 254 Agh

28: 252 wadimiusz

29: 252 na_pewno

30: 252 XComhghall

31: 250 NexVeridian

32: 249 xCrimson

33: 249 harfe

34: 249 OrbiterVoltron

35: 247 Rocks

36: 246 lisamarsh

37: 243 GoodGrief

38: 242 Tripping

39: 241 YourHero

40: 241 PunishedFurry

41: 240 nickten

42: 240 MattReardon

43: 239 JeffreyHeninger

44: 239 Duncn

45: 236 AndrewG

46: 232 kenakofer

47: 227 RJPerez

48: 223 Samin

49: 223 Fion

bought Ṁ16 of YES

@chrisjbillington Could you post your code?

What’s your current streak?

bought Ṁ20 of YES

Aren't there already streak saves?

@chrisjbillington Are there? Oh dear. I can't seem to find out any information about them. Is this something that only comes up if you lose your streak? Maybe I should use an alt to experiment...

predicted YES

@Fion Hm, I thought there were, but @DavidKochanov, who is the user that fell out of the top 50 appears to have only skipped one day and yet now has a streak of 1. Perhaps no streak loss forgiveness after all. I swear I read something about this.

bought Ṁ25 of YES

@chrisjbillington I read the same; what I heard was you get 1 token per month of streak...

bought Ṁ0 of YES

@ianminds you do, but that doesn't mean people don't use them up

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@ianminds I haven't seen that option for over a month or so. No idea if it is still a thing.
Not going to break my 194 day streak to test it either lol.

@SirCryptomind it is. you gotta click on your streak in your notifications to see it

predicted YES

@Stralor Ahhh ok I see it: