Finals: Will TheShy pick a ranged AD top?
resolved Nov 19

Will TheShy pick a ranged ADC top laner, so Graves or Quinn or Vayne in toplane. Kennen/Jayce do not count. The ranged AD squishy toplaners. He did this twice for great effect in the semi finals.

Lucian counts, Tristana counts, Gangplank does not, Kalista counts, Kayle does not count

Riot doesn't have an official list of these, as Marksmen does not include Quinn or Graves.

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Xiaohu trying the ranged AD Ahri mid though

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T1 played around their Aatrox in semis a fair bit, and Aatrox lanes rather poorly against Graves, so there is a decent chahce of him getting banned.

On the other hand they might leave him ooen in game one given that there are higher priority bans, maybe they can get away with this. I don't really see other ranged tops in that matchup, but I might be wrong.

Betting no here, but really uncertain about this.

@Selueen I think it would be major balls to try and pick it, but they did do it before. I can see them going for it in certain matchups