Will the FairlyRandom bot have good uptime in 2023?
resolved Jan 2

This resolves to the percentage of uptime that FairlyRandom has in 2023. To make the uptime calculation simple and unambiguous, we will calculate it as follows:

  • On any given day, if FairlyRandom successfully processed at least one request, then it is considered "up" for that day.

    • Even if a request wasn't processed immediately, it still counts as successful if it was processed before the next calendar day started.

    • Even if some requests on a given day failed, the day still counts as "up" if at least one request was successful.

  • If there are no requests on a given day then FairlyRandom automatically counts as "up".

  • If neither of the above is satisfied (FairlyRandom did not successfully process any requests, and at least one valid request was submitted to it) then it will be counted as "down" for that day. Someone must document that fact by commenting on this market with links to the unsuccessful requests, otherwise it still counts as "up". You may submit multiple dates in a single comment.

Resolves to {number of days that FairlyRandom was up in 2023, as defined above} as a percentage of 365.

Everything using Eastern time unless otherwise specified.

I may trade in this market but I will not hold a net NO position (including alt accounts).

Intentionally sabotaging the bot to manipulate this market is not permitted. If I suspect it is occurring I will resolve the market in whatever way is most unfavorable to the manipulators.

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Sounds like 1 day of downtime reported, so 364/365 rounds to 100%.

@FairlyRandom I don't think you can resolve to 100% (I tried a while ago), so you should go with YES.

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