Will Searle admit the "Chinese room" essay was an interesting joke?

This question resolves to "yes" whenever Searle explicitly admits the Chinese Room Essay was a prank to test the capable. If you read his actual work, it's all about "speech acts", which has zero consistency with his actual "Chinese room essay". And he didn't just pick Chinese because of the exoticism.

His point was meant to be that ALL genuine understanding is unconscious.

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Reopened the market as John Searle is still alive. Resolves NO if he dies, resolves YES if he "explicitly admits the Chinese Room Essay was a prank to test the capable".

I don't think those chips can survive even in Super Mario environment

The point of Lacanian psychoanalysis is not to read "between the lines". It is to read "behind the lines".

"(as is indeed the case) that I know no Chinese, either written or spoken"

-Try to have a conversation with him in Mandarin. I have strong reason to believe he will understand everything perfectly, and will probably respond in a coherent and full fashion.

@EnopoletusHarding Honorary visiting professor


He was mocking you, people.

@EnopoletusHarding Mockery is a constant feature of bicam literature. Joseph Smith and Bronze Age Pervert did the exact same thing.

Note: the wording of this question suggests it cannot possibly resolve "no". But it can -when the man dies.

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