Will I bench 70kg and squat 100kg by EOY 2024?
Dec 31
PR Squat 70kg
PR Bench press (dumbell) 22kg

Pretty simple market, will I benchpress 70kg (minimum 1 rep) and squat 100 kg (mimimum 1 rep) at some point before the end of the year. They don't need to be done some day.

Some info about me:

- I am 27 YO, male and ~65kg
- Have joined a local gym, and completed ~7 workouts
- I'm currently dumbell pressing 14kg for 7-8
- I'd squat approx 50kg for like 5-7 (although I haven't be pushing against my limit here)


Personal Bests:

60kg | 22/04
65kg | 01/05
70kg | 12/05

75kg | 21/05
80kg | 28/05

85kg | 28/06

90kg | 10/07

Bench press (Dumbell):
14kg | 15/04
18kg | 22/04
20kg | 03/05
22kg | 14/05
24kg | 25/05
26kg | 19/06

28kg | 8/07

Bench (Barbell):
50kg (Comfortably) | 13/07

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Betting YES because you seem very committed and persistence is S-tier for strength training.

Plus multiple buyers here would I'm sure be happy to give you feedback on programming if you plateueu'd.

That's very kind of you to say Joe!

90kg squat today

I think this market should be at 88% right now - a big injury could knock me off-course, but I suspect the risk of a big injury is below 2% on in any given month

bought แน€250 YES from 77% to 82%
  • 28kg dumbell press today for 2. By my maths I need to dumbell press 30kg for 6 in order to have a 1 rep max equivalent to 70kg bench press.

  • I think I could achieve 30kgx6 within 2 weeks.

  • Hoping for 90kg squat this week, and hit 100kg within 4 weeks?

  • I weighed myself at 73kg yesterday - I must have put on at least 5kg

I worked out 2 times this week, with one workout being body weight. Only excuse has been being away from home Mon-Tue and Sat-Sun

85kg squat today, felt strong. I might push for lower weights higher reps (easier to get to failure) until next Sunday, where I may go for 90kg. Not sure, might be pushing too fast if I don't have a spotter

I have been increasing my reps at lower weight levels the past few weeks.

I might push for 85kg this week, and perhaps a 28kg dumbell press.

26kg dumbell bench press today for 2

Bought some creatine and protein powder, curious to know how much % of an update this is

80kg squat today ๐Ÿ’ช - No buyers should be frightened

Going to the UK for a week which might interupt training - but good news is I'll be working out with Mother.

@ElliotDavies I suspect I could squat 85kg by next week, but I'll likely take the weight off and just build up some endurance

New PR: 24kg bench press (dumbell)

Do you take creatine?

@andri I don't take creatine. I don't know much about it - from what I heard I understood it helps you push an extra few reps in?

@ElliotDavies Helps build muscle and strength yeah

@andri RCT's look impressive. I could possibly give it a try - seems cheap

@andri Especially relevant for vegans

@MathiasBonde @andri Is there any reason to take this stuff now rather than wait until my newbie gains end and I plateau?

@ElliotDavies I think the best time to start is yesterday

Squatted 75kg today, might go for 80kg by the end of the week - it felt like I'd have the strength for it. Will also aim for 24kg dumbell press.

@MathiasBonde bought no when I told him I havent had much food in the house for a couple of days ๐Ÿ˜…

@MathiasBonde is stating that he would update positively if I was eating more. So from this point onwards (and past 3 days) I will be drinking a banana and peanutbutter smoothe each night, and a peanutbutter sandwhich after every workout. Aiming for at least 400-500 calories in excess of my normal diet per day

I've heard people say the would update significantly if I reach a certain milestone. One thing I'll note, is I would give really high odds (80%) to being able to sqaut 75-80 kg

Excercise Diary. 10th Workout on Monday. I squatted 60 for 3 but forgot to add.

@ElliotDavies It's been a week long break because we were running EAGxNordics Fri-Sun. Squatted 65 today. Aiming to be at 70kg by next week

@ElliotDavies I trained 3 times last week. New max dumbell press of 20kg. Considering squatting 70kg this week, or possibly waiting until I am able to squat 70kg with high reps

@ElliotDavies I trained 3 times in the last week, and hit a new PR of 70kg x 1 for squat.

@ElliotDavies Worked out 3 times last week. New PR for dumbell press (22kg)

@ElliotDavies I trained 3 times this week, 2 new PRs but no 80kg squat yet.

Worked out 3 times in week 24.

Next week I will be getting more serious about ensuring I'm pushing my squats and bench press as much as possible