Will this market have M$15,000 invested by February 25th?
resolved Feb 25
By the end of the day (EST) February 25th, will a total of at least M$ 15,000 (as judged by the size of the pool) be invested in this market? #meta #shortterm #fun Feb 22, 8:16pm: To clarify, this markets stays open until Feb 25th.
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need the liquidity for something else
Will a whale do a last minute withdrawal, crashing confidence? I reckon maybe…
Tidy profit, looking forward to repeating it tomorrow if price falls again
If selling YES make sense, so does buying NO :-)
No reason to risk it. Payout at 99% is almost as good as waiting for Yes
Changed my mind. Rugpull potential (whales sell their shares)
Should resolve positive now
Went all in
Eating a $7 loss here before it becomes a $50 one.
Looks super close! Just ~2,000 away.
Going all I
I pulled my money. Not so hopeful anymore and made a nice profit.
I think this has a higher than 90% probability of yes but I needed the money more for something else :)
We're about halfway through the period, and about 20% of the way to the threshold.
I'll wait until market close before resolving.
Does a whale have an incentive to wait until closer to the resolution date to buy out the market so they don't tie up their funds for as long, or will the market just resolve early if there is enough invested beforehand?
I would put more into it if I had it to hand. This is a nice sweep for the whales that have $10k - they exist and made a profit on a similar "YES if pool > f({manifold})" questions.
Anyone with 13600 can pick up a free 14079-13600.
No is starting to look good.

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