Will I be $M10,000 richer by noon EST, Jan 29th?
resolved Jan 29

Will my liquid $M assets have increased by $M10,000 in two weeks? I will NOT help anyone play this market, and I will not buy $M. This means that in order to gain $M10,000, I will need some lucky investments, or, more likely, ~1,000 unique investors on my markers.

I will not invest in this market.

Also, I don't need $10,000, so any increase in my free-M$ ballance over this period will be donated to charity.

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A pitiful $M905 donated to charity.

predicted YES

well at this point i may as well hold


So basically NO and this is free money

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@Simon1551 I'm gambling

bought Ṁ1,000 of NO

thanks for the donation :)

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@PatMyron are you actually making relevant profit from this?

predicted NO

hot take: no one on manifold has ever made a relevant profit yet:

predicted YES

@PatMyron based

bought Ṁ750 of NO

Ṁ17,365 at the start

@PatMyron Whoops -- I didn't process that that would be the number people were referencing. I'm going by the amount it shows under my user name in the upper left corner of my screen; I saw $M12,000 when making this market, and see $M12,627 right now. I don't know if there's a way for others to see this number.

@Duncan Currently at 12,370.

predicted YES

@Duncan Is it investment value?

@Simon1551 It's currently available funds.