Will a new house speaker be elected in fewer than 5 votes?
resolved Oct 25

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Nice work everyone

That is correct

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I assume this means four floor votes

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This one is not yet resolved. Still ongoing, I think.

predicted YES

@DonaldIves So we'd be at 3 votes now. If Jordan drops out we'd still be at 3 right? or would you consider that reset?

@Halfway I believe it is still ongoing. I changed the closing date.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@DonaldIves if a new person is nominated though, we start back at 1?

predicted YES

So we'd be at 2 votes now. If Jordan drops out we'd still be at 2 or would you consider that reset?

@Halfway Nope. Now at 3 votes. Waiting for #4-5, which seem likely to fail as well….

bought Ṁ50 of NO

@DonaldIves Why five? It's not fewer than five.

@LesterCrafton I believe that is incorrect. Currently only 3 votes of full House. Other votes are just within Republican caucus. After 4 full vote fails, this resolves as originally written.