Will Ghana have positive net migration in 2023?
resolved Apr 4
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Ghana's migration story is intricate, intertwining historical diversity and present challenges. With a population of 19 million, diverse ethnic groups claim historical migrations within Africa and connections to the transatlantic slave trade. The government seeks to reconnect with the diaspora, particularly descendants of the slave trade. Contemporary challenges include Ghanaians emigrating due to economic and social difficulties, raising concerns about brain drain. Nevertheless, the diaspora significantly contributes through remittances, surpassing US$1 billion in 2004, supporting families, and fostering small business development. Ghana also plays a role as both a source and destination for refugees due to political instability in neighboring regions. This dynamic narrative underscores the global influence on Ghana's social, economic, and cultural landscape.

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Also the recent article here indicating that Ghana's economy is not trending in a good direction https://noahpinion.substack.com/p/ghana-you-were-doing-so-well

Using the source linked in the description, it's been negative 10/12 years since 2010. It was only positive in 2012 and 2016.

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