Will Cillian Murphy say the exact phrase, "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds," in the movie "Oppenheimer"
resolved Jul 22

I will use the USA theatrical cut. "Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds," also resolves as yes.

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predicted NO

Why use the word exact if we are just going to say that it's close enough? You even listed an alternate phrase that would be acceptable, yet resolved contrary. I guess you can just make up whatever reason you like to resolve however you like but at the end of the day you asked for an exact phrase that did not occur no matter what excuse you can conjure.

I am resolving this YES despite the lack of an audible "the". Relevant factors include the tendency of the word "the" to be reduced in spoken American English, and the fact that Sanskrit (the original language) has no articles (if Google is to be believed).

predicted NO

@DanielGlasscock the movie kind of makes fun of this itself, in a scene where they discuss the correct translation of Property/Ownership from german.

predicted NO

@DanielGlasscock how on earth did Sanskrit grammar suddenly become part of the resolution criteria? The question asked for an exact English phrase.

predicted NO

Ha. I think this should have N/Ad at best, and would have defended a NO resolution. I think there's a good argument this was misresolved. But I won't personally push it - my remaining 20 mana NO bet was calculated knowing this was a possibility.

predicted YES

lol. Never again

bought Ṁ50 of NO


predicted YES

@Lorxus It is the exact phrase, even if it's not the exact wording. Going to be very disappointed if this doesn't resolve YES.

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@Odoacre I am not weighing in here as a Manifold admin; this is just my personal opinion.

bought Ṁ1,000 of YES

This resolves yes. Saw the movie last night.

predicted NO

@SG Having also seen the movie last night, I disagree with the unambiguity for reasons discussed below. If the market resolves according to a strict interpretation of the resolution criteria, it should resolve negatively. Of course there's always room to debate the sprit of the market.

predicted NO

@SG I saw it last night too and can confirm he did not say "the"


sold Ṁ3,277 of YES

I am not risking this, got burned by similar things too many times 😄

bought Ṁ300 of YES

he says it twice, even

bought Ṁ100 of YES

@Tripping Why you selling then?

predicted YES

@chrisjbillington eh, it's pretty normal to cash in on winnings and leave the last few % on the table when you need liquidity in other markets. I do that kind of move all the time.

predicted YES

@VitorBosshard true, but @Tripping has 35k liquid mana

@chrisjbillington just in case the market maker resovles weirdly

sold Ṁ11 of YES

@Tripping While I think the market should resolve positively, technically (so far as I could tell) he does not say the exact phrase in the movie. He omits "the", the exact quote in the movie being: "Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds."

bought Ṁ25 of NO

@ReidJohnson dropped 25 mana on that technicality, fingers crossed 🤣

bought Ṁ5 of NO

@ReidJohnson woah, really? That's not a technicality; that's market-flipping revelations imo! The title says "exact". You don't just throw around that sort of language!

bought Ṁ20 of NO

@Fion Yeah I'm in favour of "spirit of the resolution criteria, not letter", but exactness seems to be part of the spirit here

sold Ṁ361 of YES

I guess it's pretty stupid that everyone agrees what the facts are and now we're just betting on how the person is going to interpret their own question.

I'm likely going to take a massive loss here.

bought Ṁ40 of NO
predicted NO

@KevinBurke I don't know if I trust Reid over IMDb's quotes page, necessarily. If I was the resolver I'd download a camrip so I could listen to the lines several times to be sure.

predicted NO

@Adam Absolutely, the market creator should resolve this based on a first-hand account. I'll note that the current quote on the IMDb quotes page comes from a trailer. It's not clear to me what trailer this is referencing, but I suspect it's one that uses an overlay of real audio which is not used in the movie, hence the discrepancy.

predicted NO

Also, a sleuthy individual may be able to find the relevant clip(s) on Twitter...