Will my flatmate hook up with a girl who is not of Chinese ancestry by next June?
Dec 31

We live in London and attend a university with a significant Chinese population but is also fairly diverse.

My flatmate is not Chinese and has only hooked up with Chinese girls in the past (3/3). He is interested in widening his horizons next year.

Will he hook up with a girl who is not Chinese by the first of June?

For the purposes of resolution: she has to come back to his room and they have to engage in sexual intercourse.

NB: My flatmate requested I create this market and is interested in the outcome.

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bought Ṁ30 of YES

I know this person, they seem confident but don't have a proven track record and can be lazy

Over what time period were the previous 3 hookups?

bought Ṁ100 of NO

@TonyPepperoni They were over the past year. One was in the context of a long-term relationship, one was a one-off hookup, and one was a repeat hookup