Change my mind on any topic you want.
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My worldview falls roughly around LessWrong Progressive, to participate message me on Discord with things you think I might be incorrect about and the first person to significantly change my mind on any topic gets M1000.

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Not gonna message you on discord, so hopefully messaging you in the comments here is good enough. Shakespeare was not the man from Stratford upon Avon by that name, he was a pseudonym of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford. To convince you, please read and and consider the general fact that Shakespeare showed a level of erudition and knowledge of courtly intrigue that would not be possible for a man who could barely sign his own name and died with only one or two books in his possession.

Do you have a list of some problems/questions and your respective stances on each?

Let me list down some questions/problems I'm interested in, please respond with your stance before I proceed in trying to change it (Would be nice if you also add your own certainty percentage to each so I can look where I have my best chances).

  1. Are there any spacefaring civilisations physically present within our past lightcone as seen from Earth, right now? [0-100%]

  2. Will humanity complete or nearly complete the construction of a Dyson Swarm around the Sun by the year 2120? [0-100%]

Didn’t you have one of these before?