Will the next head coach of New York City FC also coach the team's first competitive match at their new stadium, Etihad Park?
Resolution criteria:
Market resolves YES if the next permanent head coach appointed by NYCFC is still the head coach during the first competitive match played at Etihad Park
Market resolves NO if a different coach is in charge for the first competitive match
Interim/caretaker managers do not count as permanent head coaches
Stadium completion timeline: https://www.hok.com/news/2024-04/new-york-city-council-approves-hok-designed-nycfc-stadium-as-part-of-historic-willets-point-redevelopment/
Stadium details: https://www.newyorkcityfc.com/news/new-york-city-football-club-to-build-the-first-ever-fully-electric-soccer-stadiu