Will this market have M$20,000 invested by March 11th?
resolved Mar 13
Judged by the size of pool, will this market have a total of M$ 20,000 invested in it by 11:59 pm EST on March 11th? The market will stay open until March 11th. #meta #shortterm #fun Feb 23, 10:28am: This market will not resolve until it closes. I'll resolve based on the pool size at close since that is simplest to determine. So if it is over or equal to $20,000 at close then the market will resolve to YES. If it is below $20,000 at close, then it will resolve to NO. Close date updated to 2022-03-11 11:59 pm Feb 23, 10:45am: @LeonardoTaglialegne Thanks!
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one trader owns more than half the pot
Sell your YES now for 98c on the dollar
One trader buys 11k, not too hard for this to be rugpulled.
Oh you know what would be fascinating? A whale investing M$15k yes, buying some well priced no's, letting people bid yes up, selling all their yes at the last minute to reduce the pool, and then collecting the resolved No to boot.
Everybody knows that whale bait is irresistible.
@Charles Vorbach I like the idea of a #whalebait tag, yes...it's funny, and eventually I'm sure there will be some kind of filtering of communities that will be put in place by Manifold.
@Yev It will not resolve until it closes. I'll resolve based on the pool size at close since that is simplest to determine. So if it is over or equal to $20,000 at close then the market will resolve to YES. If it is below $20,000 at close, then it will resolve to NO. @PatrickDelaney Would it help if to have a specific tag? Maybe #whalebait?
Respectfully, I am honestly already le tired of these somewhat uninteresting, "market volume grabs," of people posting the equivalent of, "upvote this post for visibility." It would be nice to be able to filter all of these, "will this market self-fulfill itself or not?" bets out of my feed.
Will it be resolved immediately after reaching $20000 or only after it closes? What if it goes above $20000 but than drops below $20000?
The market is set to close on March 2nd tho

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