Will I (@Celene) come out to my brother as trans during my one-month visit to Canada to see him?
resolved Jul 9

I'll be going to Canada on Monday 6/12 and coming back on 7/7. My brother does not know I am trans (MtF). Will I come out to him during this period?

(Further information: I have strong reasons to suspect he already knows and that he is almost certainly supportive).

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predicted YES

Obviously don"t need to answer this but ill ask anyways, what happened?

Good luck!

sold Ṁ2 of YES

I felt bad about losing this market so Celene bribed to bail out

predicted NO

@ampdot inb4 I resolve it YES

predicted YES

@Celene 1000 mana incentive or 5000 mana to the charity of your choice

@MarcusAbramovitch What’s mana to USD (or whatever currency you like)

predicted YES

@JonahKrompart 1 mana = 0.01 usd

predicted YES

@Celene C'mon you can do it! You still have today and tomorrow!

bought Ṁ55 of YES

I hope you do. A few of my friends have found great relief.

bought Ṁ10 of YES

Also, itd suck if the bots made mana on the market

bought Ṁ250 of YES

i will manipulate the market :3

bought Ṁ10 of NO

this sounds like a good idea to me

bought Ṁ10 of YES

@Celene you can do this! (And this might make you less suicidal also.)