Will a freight car get through Chicago faster than average [34.6 hr] this week? (11/29/23)
resolved Dec 2

Everybody knows that Chicago is a black hole for freight traffic. It is so bad that the US Surface Transportation Board makes all of the Class 1 railroads and the Chicago Transportation Coordination Office report a host of information about railroad operations.

You can find the data here: https://www.stb.gov/reports-data/rail-service-data/

Among the data, every week the CTCO posts a 7 day average for how long a freight car takes to go through Chicago. The most recent data on the website as of posting the questions was uploaded on November 22, 2023 but dated November 18, 2023.

I have compiled those weekly 7 day averages into a 52 week average. The current average for a freight car to make it through Chicago is 34.6 hours. Will the average freight car make it through Chicago faster or slower this week?

Note: The posted data only includes one decimal place so I have rounded the average accordingly. This is why the rolling average is the same despite last weeks time being lower. It changed the average by a whole .05 of an hour but not enough to move with the rounding.

Will return Yes if in the next set of data posted- the data for November 25, 2023- the listed the average "Freight Transit (hrs - Total)" is lower than 34.6 hr.

Will return No if in the next set of data posted- the data for November 25, 2023- the listed the average "Freight Transit (hrs - Total)" is higher than 34.6 hr.

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The data says reports 33.3. This is lower than 34.6 so it resolves to Yes.