First country to advertise for immigration of specifically trans tech worker, before Oct 2027
New Zealand

Resolves to the country that first produces advertisement material specifically targeted at getting trans tech worker to immigrate to that country, or to None if this does not happen by Oct 1st 2027.

Fine print

  • The advertisement campaign must be reliably demonstrated to exist, either by multiple reliable people individually confirming they have seen the ad (even better, screenshoted it), or reliable media reporting on it.

  • It does not however need to be huge budget or particularly high profile - with the online ads targetting tools of today, this can probably be achieved with reasonable spend

  • The ad need to be from the government, or its direct subsidiary, in a clear way. Example: title card or watermark of "Ministry of immigration of country X", or uploader is clearly labelled as a govement agency, etc. In particular, a local tech company running such ads would not qualify, as it is not a country in its official capacity.

  • The targetted people must be clearly trans people (trans men, trans women, non-binary people) that are tech worker (IT specialist, software engineer, ...), with the goal to get them to immigrate there ("Apply for X visa today at", "Come live in $country!")

  • For the purpose of this market to not be ambiguous, it cannot be a subtle nod like a trans flag or somesuch, or just trans people working at computers. Need text or voice over to specifically mention "trans people" (or related term) and "tech worker", "progranmer",...

In case of ambiguity, I might temporary close the market to discuss resolution criteria (temporary trade halt), discuss in the comment, and resolve N/A if ambiguity still prevails. I am open to comments/suggestions about the resolution criteria , if raised well in advance of resolution.

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I can guarantee that if the Conservatives win the next election in Canada (which polls indicate they will), there's no way in hell you'll see an ad like this.

sold Ṁ5 of Iceland NO

@dittopoop Yeah, I've been betting on Canada assuming it would happen at some point in the 2030s.

How does this resolve if a country advertises for immigration of queer tech workers in general, including trans people and also cis gay/lesbian/bi/etc. people?


If the ad targets other demographics all the while fulfilling the criteria, that still resolves this market.

If the ad targets trans people with a specific subdemographics (e.g. Israel targeting tech-worker trans people of jewish origins), still resolves this market.

But more general terms (e.g. queer or LGBTQ) without explicitly mentioning trans people, will not. It would be an interesting market though.