Credible footage (incl. good deep fake) of Jordan Bardella shitting himself, before French snap election 2024
resolved Jul 4

If, before the first round of the upcoming French legislative snap election 2024, on June 30st, credible footage of Jordan Bardella shitting himself, whether recent or not, and whether real or not, provided the footage could arguably in good faith be construed as real (no super obvious AI tells, but minor glitching that the average voting citizen might not detect is fine), AND this footage is linked in the comment of this market, then this resolves Yes.

Note that there is no requirement for the liquid shit to visibly drip on his shoes, nor for this footage to take place in the lecture hall N of the Tolbiac campus of the university of Paris.

If I come across such footage myself, I'll of course link it in a comment, but I won't trade.

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@mods Creator hasn't been active in a few weeks, resolves NO.

@MugaSofer this creator is also not inactive, @CamillePerrin just placed bets ~2hr ago
Camille can you please review and resolve?

bought Ṁ10 NO

Do you promise not to make the deepfake yourself?

@TheAllMemeingEye I don't know how to make them, and won't invest the effort to learn