A listening station on Kerguelen Island? (Revealed before 2030)

Will a credible source indicates that a listening station (signal intelligence RF capture system) is located in the Kerguelen Islands? Before Jan 1st, 2030.

credible source: official press release or statement acknowledging it, or a newspaper article, or a well-reputed blog focused on SIGINT, for instance with OSINT of an array of "sus" looking antennas on the island. Reserve the right to discuss in comment if ambiguity, and wait or resolve N/A if not conclusive.

Kerguelen Islands: either on the islands, or a floating station located in the Kerguelen Plateau oceanic shelf.

listening station: the antenna must be operated by a military or intelligence gathering agency. It does not need to be formally acknowledge as a spying station if the purpose is clear (e.g. large antennas but nothing nearby, like a air base or naval operation)

The listening station is likely to be part of FRENCHELON, but could also be from another nation.

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