Will stock price of ISRG go up in next 13 working days by more than 5%?
resolved Dec 13

13 working days will end by 614th Dec 2022

Price as on date is 264

Target price minimum 277

Nov 24, 6:32am: Will stock price of ISRG go up in next 13 days by more than 5%? → Will stock price of ISRG go up in next 13 working days by more than 5%?

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Inactive creator. Resolving per original text.

Looks to me like prices are:
2023-11-23 open: 264.49

2023-11-23 close: 264.45

2023-12-05 close: 269.72

2023-12-06 close: 266.31

2023-12-12 close: 273.84

2023-12-13 close: 281.74.

2023-12-14 close: 280.65

Original was 13 days suggesting open Nov 23 to close Dec 5, or maybe close Nov 23 to close Dec 6.

Edited version would be close on the 12th or 13th, depending on whether Nov 23 is counted in the 13 days or not.

Target price is either 277.68 or 277.72 depending on whether it's the Nov 23 open or close. Either way, the Dec 13 and Dec 14 close prices pass the threshold, prior close prices do not.

predicted NO

Looks like this resolves YES, but the original unedited question would have resolved NO.

Will stock price of ISRG go up in next 10 days by more than 5%?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition