Has @TheWiggleMan made major contributions to rationalussy discourse?
resolved Aug 19

The Wiggle Man has wiggled markets and lent me mana to help me get more rationalussy shares. Also, he traded on rationalussy markets and discussed plans to get more rationalussy shares in the comments. Should he be considered a big public fugurehead in rationalussy for his actions?

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@ButtocksCocktoasten As far as i can tell, this original market by SG is the origin story of rationalussy. Is this true? If so, I nominate @SG for making major contributions to the cause of rationalussy

@TheWiggleMan SG is already counted as a major public figurehead in rationalussy due to being in the Top 10 creator leaderboard of the rationalussy group.

My greatest contributions are still to come. I am planning a return.

@TheWiggleManRetired Yes that's right. Look at me. I'm the Wiggler now.