Will any of these gaming publications not post a review for Hogwarts Legacy?
resolved Feb 17

These publications: PC Gamer, Kotaku, Polygon, IGN, eurogamer

Background: There is a controversy online over whether it is okay to support the game because it is JK Rowling's IP so many are arguing that buying the game supports her.

Publications have all been chosen arbitrarily by what I consider to be popular gaming publications. I will not add or remove any publications from this list. If any of these publications doesn't post a review within one week of release I will resolve this market YES. If Hogwarts Legacy is delayed I will extend the closing time of the market until it releases.

Unscored reviews count, whether the review is in video form or text it counts as long as it's clear that it is meant to be a review (explicitly said to be a review in some way).

I will not bet in this market.

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Seems like polygon reviewed on the last day, is there a convincing reason Kotaku Australia and Eurogamer Portugal shouldn't count?

makes sense to me that they'd count, especially since they were mentioned a few days ago before the last review

@PatMyron I think they should count because under the literal interpretation they should, and I just didn't account for them when making the market.

predicted YES

@Brooke Wow, brutal.

@Conflux sry buddy, i do feel bad about being wrong

predicted YES

@Brooke Itโ€™s alright. Do you think it was a good bet in expectation? Seems like one of the reviews was on the last day, and your timeline of a week was somewhat arbitrary - that makes me think perhaps it was unexpected?

@Conflux I would have bet a lot more on yes myself if I hadn't said I wouldn't bet. I do think the regional variants of the publications kind of took away the market from what I intended but that's just what happens.

I do feel as in the spirit of what I wanted to ask this basically resolved yes, but I wasn't specific enough in it. I also think the review on the last day is a bit of bad luck, at first I wanted to make the market resolve maybe on the release date or a little after review embargo but I didn't think people would value that appropriately.

Games journalism standard is pretty much to release your review within minutes of the review embargo being lifted (at least for bigger publications). Kotaku and Polygon have both not posted reviews yet.

Will very likely end up with one (likely neither) posting a review in time and the market resolving yes imo.

bought แน€30 of NO

@Firechyld This market resolves yes if any publication listed out of five does not post a review by the close date. Currently Kotaku and Polygon both would need to post a review for this to resolve no, I apologize if the wording was confusing.

@Brooke I guess actually Kotaku Australia has posted a review now so we'd just need polygon unless I arbitrarily say that Kotaku Australia and Eurogamer Portugese don't count

predicted NO

@Brooke so this questions is "will all these publications post a review for hogwarts"?

predicted NO

Okay, I re-read it I see that now. Not exactly sure why I read it wrong lol. I was thinking it meant "will any of these post a review," basically. Well, I guess I will just keep my bet and hope for the best lol.

I am posting a comment with the list of publications for posterity: PC Gamer, Kotaku, Polygon, IGN, eurogamer. No publications will be added or removed.