Chaos Theory 2 Electric Boogaloo: Resolves to 4*x*(1-x) of price a day before close.
resolved Apr 15
Resolved as

Sequel to this market, thanks to Floris for pointing out that there wasn't any actual chaos theory in that one. Let's see if this one gets chaotic!

This market will close at a time chosen uniformly at random between one day after the market creation time, and the listed close time. It will then resolve to the 4*x*(1-x), where x is the price of the market 24 hours before it closes, as shown by the UI.

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predicted YES

x is the price of the market without rounding, as seen through the API or browser’s web developer tools?

@deagol Seen through the web UI, with rounding

predicted YES

@BoltonBailey thanks, maybe needs clarifying in the description?

(I know the close time so I will not trade)

SHA256 of close time with nonce: 71f7a44aa797b59f3e7ba45898da7d05efbdc69876571f28f6a8053caaa30fc5

@BoltonBailey April 15th, 01:45:08 nonce:01294u124034-0834u0e9du