Will this market have fewer than 100 unique users within one week?
resolved Feb 9

(A blatant attempt to farm mana bonuses)

Get Ṁ200 play money
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Great! I misresolved this. @BrendanFinan now I need to figure out how to compensate you...

@Boklam Looks like I owe you Ṁ 174. Is there a private way to contact you so I can send you a manalink?

predicted YES

@Boklam Could you please email brendanfinan (at) protonmail.com? You can also DM me via the links on my profile page. Thanks

@BrendanFinan OK I sent you a manalink. Let me know if it works.

predicted YES

@Boklam Yep, it worked. Thanks for following up!

If you buy YES up to 100%, you get 49 mana. If you want to farm mana bonuses, you should bet against what is likely to happen.

@XComhghall Oops. I think I forgot about this...