Can Manifold Dream produce readable characters in some script other than Latin?
resolved Aug 5

Manifold Dream (@ManifoldDream) is a bot that creates dreamy pictures to accompany markets. The bot is pretty damn impressive -- for example, it knows the faces of famous world leaders (Biden, Trump, Xi). It sometimes produces images with recognizable letters, for example "UHΛERT" in the market below. (I imagine that "Λ" is supposed to be an "A", and of course "UHAERT" is nothing close to a word in any language I know.)

On the other hand, when it tries to produce Chinese characters, Manifold Dream doesn't quite seem to know what they look like.

This market resolves to YES if, sometime before market close (July 31, 2023) (and possibly before market open -- maybe it already happened and I just don't know!) Manifold Dream produces an image which clearly shows recognizable characters in some non-Latin script.

("Latin script" refers to the writing system we use in English -- also used in many, many other languages worldwide, from Latin to Vietnamese -- based on the alphabet ABC...Z with minor modifications. Non-Latin scripts include the Greek, Cyrillic [Russian] and Hindi alphabets, Arabic script, Chinese characters and so forth.)

Resolution of this market is subjective and I will use my best judgement, taking input from the comments as needed. I want to see a string of several characters that are clearly and unambiguously recognizable to someone who reads the script in question. The occasional mistake is OK. So for example the string "UHAERT" linked above counts as Manifold producing readable characters in Latin, despite the error on the "A".

There's some possibility that Manifold Dream will be updated between now and market close; if that happens I'll be very happy! and as long as the bot continues to post under @ManifoldDream it still counts.

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Looks like there was no update here so this is gonna be a NO. I'm a little sad. Oh well

bought Ṁ200 of NO

Manifold dream hasn't been posting for quite some time. Seems to resolve NO.

bought Ṁ30 of YES
A sign saying

This seems to have a bit of some Arabic-derived script on the left (although the prompt I was actually trying to use was 'A sign saying "שלום"').


This illustration (for the prompt "Chinatown") definitely seems to include some Chinese characters, but I can't read Chinese so I have no idea if they're at all accurate.

It's probably possible?

@a OK I don't mean to be harsh here, just want to clarify what I'm looking for and how this stacks up. I don't think either image is anywhere near "a string of several characters that are clearly and unambiguously recognizable".

For me to resolve YES, it's necessary that someone be able to produce a text transcription of what's supposedly written in the image, like I did with the Latin script. It's not enough for the image to look vaguely like Chinese characters, or "some Arabic-derived script".

@a Here's another example, right on the threshold between YES and NO.

The image in the comments seems to say "MARKET ES YES". In context, the prompt includes both words "MARKET" and "YES", so it's clearly what Manifold Dream was trying to achieve.

Without this context, there are enough mistakes and ambiguous symbols that I'd probably rate it a NO. (The three letters in the bottom row come pretty close to being clear and unambiguous, but I'm not sure if 3 counts as "several", and the S is strangely written.) I think this is a borderline case, and anything more legible would be a YES.

Can Manifold Dream produce readable characters in some script other than Latin?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition

@ManifoldDream No. Not even close. I love you but today you are not a smart bot.