Will I do ≥36 pushups per day for the next week?
resolved Mar 22
Pushup commitment . . . 2! [fist-pump leap] As with last time, This market resolves YES if I do at least 36 pushups each day until next Monday, inclusive. Doing more than 36 pushups on a given day does not count towards any other day's total. Pushups done after midnight but before I go to bed count towards the "previous" day. My usual set size is still 24, and in the past sometimes I've been able to regularly do 36 instead. I'm less fit than I was then; I expect to do most of these as a set and a half rather than consecutively, which means making *two* rolls for will and/or remembering this market exists, though I suppose one could say the second's with advantage. This market will only close at the set time, regardless of whether I fail before then or pass early on the last day. I will not be making any further bets/comments/etc on this market once it opens.
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