Will I do ≥24 pushups per day for the next week?
resolved Mar 15
This market resolves YES if I do at least 24 pushups each day until next Monday, inclusive. Doing more than 24 pushups on a given day does not count towards any other day's total. Pushups done after midnight but before I go to bed count towards the "previous" day. 24 is my usual set size and I don't expect to have trouble physically, but I do expect remembering to do them at all to be quite an obstacle. Also the piece of floor I expect to do them on is messy and needs cleaning before I can use it, which I haven't managed in probably several weeks. This weekend I have several things going on which are likely to throw off my schedule and cause me to forget about this. Mar 9, 9:44am: Also, I won't close the market early even if I miss a day. (I have not yet missed the one day it was possible to so far, just establishing my intention here.)
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