Will I successfully get to a streak of 100?
resolved Jul 1

Resolves no if I break my streak before reaching 100.

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bought Ṁ1,000 of YES

@BenjaminIkuta you're at 100 rn, is that right? 🙂

bought Ṁ1,000 of YES

@MayMeta Right.

bought Ṁ200 of YES

@BenjaminIkuta I hope you don't plan to argue that you "broke your streak" before reaching 100, because you didn't, thx to forgiveness points, which you still have 2 of, if I'm not mistaken.

I think this enough for a YES resolution. 👌

Upd: sorry, suspecting you of that was rude on my part. It's the end of the leagues season and I'm paranoid 😅

bought Ṁ3,000 of YES

@MayMeta API says 100, which is surely definitive.

predicted YES

@MichaelWheatley I'm just really confused by the hesitation. Usually markets that were closed early are immediately resolved without reopening, and the remaining liquidity goes to the creator. The only reason to reopen if you already know the resolution is to let others trade, either out of curiosity, good will, or bad intentions

predicted YES


What are forgiveness points, are they like streak freezes on Duolingo? First I've heard of it.

Wouldn't I only get back the initial liquidity subsidy, not the manifold contribution?

predicted YES

@BenjaminIkuta yes, you can learn more about them by clicking on the daily streak notification in Balance Changes, and yes, you're right it makes sense to open the market, bet it to 99.9%, and then resolve, to squeeze out all of the liquidity.

predicted YES

@MayMeta Cool! And do they accumulate without limit too?

predicted NO

Could you extend this market closing time please? I think you have about 4 weeks to reach streak 100.

predicted NO

@MayMeta I would do it for a Scooby snack.