Will I successfully complete the thirty egg challenge?
resolved Feb 12
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We have both successfully completed the thirty egg challenge. He said won't be eating any more eggs for a while.

He finished his second batch and is now scrambling his third batch. He said "This is punishing."

He's still very slowly eating his second batch, but he says he's determined to finish the challenge.

He's still very slowly eating his second batch, but he says he's determined to finish the challenge.

He hasn't finished his second batch of eggs, and he started eating chips. I think he's not going to make it.

She’s not saying chicken eggs though

@mariopasquato it's assumed.

My coconspirator tried boiling his second batch of ten eggs, but he's slowed way down. He only ate a few.

It went viral recently, apparently it makes girls mad online



I transcribed the original TikTok video:

Do y'all remember, I don't know if it was weeks, months, years ago, my concept of time on the Internet is so skewed, but that tweet that was like, ask your boyfriend what the most dangerous animal he thinks he could beat in a one on one fight is and you will infuriate yourself? I fear that the men have caught on to that one and I have a new one that has been one of the most eye opening things I have ever experienced. So this fall I was dating somebody for a couple of months and he was in this fantasy football league, and they had a punishment, and the punishment was that whoever lost the league, in one waking day, not a twentyfour hour period, but one waking day, had to consume the same number of eggs as their age that year. I am twenty nine; everybody was like, late twenties, early thirties. This man had lost the league the year prior. When I tell you that fear of losing the league again and having to eat almost thirty eggs in one waking day again, like, kept him up at night. We were out to dinner the day that Nick Chubb's knee blew. He like, could not engage in a normal conversation for like, forty five minutes after that. It's actually not even why we didn't work out, which, looking back, it absolutely should have been, but, digression. I told several of my male friends about this, I told my fantasy football league about this, and I said, oh my God, isn't this like, the most upsetting thing you've ever heard? Can you imagine having to eat thirty eggs in one day? And the number of men who were like, that would be easy, it would be easy to eat ten three egg omelettes in a day. So I started asking, like, every man I know. Men in their forties were saying this: That'd be easy, it's fine. I am almost scared to post this because of the number of men that I know I'm going to have in my comments being like, that would be easy. If you and your boyfriend are on the rocks, and you are trying to give yourself that final push, I implore you to go ask him how many eggs he thinks he could consume in one waking day, because you are going to be horrified.

@BenjaminIkuta Thank you

I got a bit of a late start, my coconspirator had already finished his first ten, but I'm still confident.

So it begins