[planecrash] Will the story resume by Aug 21?
resolved Aug 22

Planecrash has been paused since July 24, and the tentative Aug 9 date for resuming it was pushed back to a new tentative date of Aug 21 (https://glowfic.com/replies/1843665#reply-1843665). This question resolves to YES if a tag continuing the story is posted with a timestamp on or before Aug 21. The tag must continue the main story - side threads like "Abrogail Thrune's terrible terrible relationship advice column" or "flashback: this is not a threat" would not count. A tag simply pushing back the date again will also not count, even if it has in-world flavor (e.g. a post by Otolmens worrying about the time dilation we're experiencing).

I will not bet in this market.

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Well this is looking like a pretty clear NO based on the latest update, but I will resolve this one when I wake up tomorrow since right now it's not midnight Pacific time. In the meantime, time to start betting on the next ETA! https://manifold.markets/BenjaminCosman/planecrash-will-the-story-resume-by-1d8822080229

Is this about midnight Pacific time for Aug 21? It seems like the obvious cutoff given that both of the authors are in California, but I thought I should ask.

@ilzolende Oops I should have specified; yes I will use Pacific time.

finally my chance to catch up!

I'm hedging against the disappointment of the story being further delayed.

I feel like the flashback thread should count, it's part of the main story and will likely prime for Carissa and Keltham's conversation.

@horse Perhaps I should have done it that way, but at this point I'd need a stronger reason to change the resolution criteria. I suspect this hardly affects the probability anyway.